The thought to earn
extra money in such a poor economy is not bad. One of the ways to earn this
money is to join a multilevel marketing company. Multilevel marketing companies
have recently come into the limelight due to the criticisms that have been
levied at them. They ensure that through the efforts, common man can earn his
share of money. It is just recently that multilevel marketing companies have
surfaced after a period of toil to get the recognition that they have strived
for. Conventions in marketing have undergone a drastic change, Multilevel
marketing companies opt for techniques like direct selling and network
marketing to cut down some cost in such an economy. Companies like Qnet have
not had an easy run and this is vouched by the number of false scams and
notions that have been spread to create an obstacle in its dream run, one such
attempt being the Qnet
Qnet Fraud
dealt with allegations like price fixing
of products, a high cost in the starting period etc…this fraud brought to fore,
the lack of awareness about multilevel marketing companies and how rivals took
advantage of this ignorance and used it for their benefits. The trends of
direct selling and network marketing are in its nascent stages and need some
time to establish a steady and unshakeable presence. Due to the doubts that are
galore in the minds of people, it was very easy for the rival companies to
create an air of doubt about multilevel marketing companies that are
Some important aspects
about direct selling and network marketing need to be understood. Such
companies’ give the freedom of working either full time o part time, there are
no deadlines to meet, nobody has to sit in an office from 9 to 5 and restrict
themselves. These companies seem to promote the idea of working from home,
which does play a role in getting the stress levels down. The work done in such
companies also ensures the development of entrepreneurship skills within any
individual which are a must just not for starting any business but for personal
growth as well. An issue like Qnet
fraud showed that somewhere the company must have succeeded in its
efforts to execute its promises, that is why the desperation on the part of the
rival companies to cut it down.
Amidst reports of scams
and frauds, what has been ignored is the good that these multilevel marketing
companies have done for the common man and for the economy, which is on an
all-time low. Multilevel marketing companies like these have accelerated the speed
of the fulfilment of the common man’s dreams. It is not easy to earn a living
in such times but these companies have made life a little easier for the common
man who struggles to make basic ends meet. People should understand the
difference between the truth and false accusations rather than shutting their
doors to something that will help them in the long run.