الخميس، ١٨ تشرين الأول ٢٠١٢

A need to break the bubble of false ideas surrounding multilevel marketing through Questnet Scam

Some people make their own choices whereas some follow the crowd. Multilevel marketing has changed some notions in the financial markets, but there has been an air of vagueness about their style of making money. Some people choose to believe the negative ideas, while some have questioned the foundations on the basis of which such accusations have been levied. A popular misconception about such companies is that the key is to become member of such companies, after that the money will be multiplied and members can reap the benefits. The questionable thought here is that how will the money multiply after becoming members? Companies like Questnet have made an impact but the ambiguity about the work resulted in a controversy called Questnet Scam.

What needs to be questioned about Questnet Scam is what makes it a scam or is there anything in this to be certified as scam. All multilevel marketing companies provide some type of products. Once you are a member, you need to promote and distribute these products to gain a share of commission. Without indulging in these activities, you cannot earn the money that you were assured about. Some effort has to be put in to reap the benefits. Many stories about scams of multilevel marketing companies are floating around the internet. These deal with members not getting their share but a thought has to be given to why they have not received the share. In some cases the company is fraudulent. A careful thought should be given before investing money and resources in a company.

Another aspect about the scams which many people may not be aware about is that these stories are strategies by rival companies to cut down growing competition. Rivals are growing aggressive by the day and these tactics prove this fact. It is always good to read up about such companies but one should not know which story conveys the truth and which one is false. Personal experiences always help. If you get a chance to speak to a few members of such companies, you will get an insider’s perspective. It will clear the air of doubt in an effective way. A misconception that people have expressed strong belief in is the fact that money can be minted in the early stages. This is a complete fallacy. Not every time, success can be tasted. There are times, when money has to be invested to retain the membership and the member may end up purchasing the products that he had to sell. This rigidity is not prevalent in other multilevel marketing companies. Some companies believe in lifelong membership, the members can promote the goods whenever they wish to and earn their share of money. Companies like Questnet follow the principle of lifelong membership and they have successfully shown that claims in ‘Questnet Scam’ are false.  

A hidden advantage of multilevel marketing companies is that they have helped youngsters in becoming independent. The youth have worked in such companies to earn a source of income and by working in these companies; they have realized the ideals of hard work and commitment. 

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