الاثنين، ٢٢ تشرين الأول ٢٠١٢

Qnet scam and the truth behind it

One often gets confused between knowing what exactly is a scam andwhat isn’t. We hype the word so much – especially the media – that we often forget to look at both sides of the argument.

Qnet scam has surfaced time and again. The media says that it isa company that deceives people – which is not the truth. People are often in two minds when it comes to deciding their opinion on the Qnet scam.

To tell you a little about the company, Qnet, a company under the QIgroup, is a direct selling company that focuses on wellness and personal care products. The company of late has also started offering travel packages. It is formed on the basis of direct marketing. All these companies aren’t trustworthy. The Qnet scam, however, accusing the company of fraud is baseless. This company has been functional for almost two decades now.

This networking marketing company uses what is known as the pyramid scheme. One must realize that if the Qnet scam was true, it wouldn’t have lasted for more than six to seven years. If one also researches some more on the scam they would realize that the company has a lot of credibility. Apart from the recent reports the company never really had a history of illegal reports or doings. Besides the company has grown immensely and expanded its business across many countries. It is very popular in the Asian market too. Does this mean that everyone was a fool not to have seen things coming before? Why this sudden hoopla surrounding the company?

The answer is simple. These are rival strategies used by companies to weaken the power that the company holds. Qnet has been very transparent with its working which is what has led to these rival companies using the data available in a wrong manner.

Qnet has existed since the year 1998. It is headquartered in Hong Kong and has qualified the categories of companies that have crossed ten years in the business sector. The company has millions of independent representatives and has expanded to almost 200 countries. The grow this extremely good and the member base is very strong. The products are really innovative and have won hearts of people across the globe. That includes wellness, jewelry and vacation packages.

If all these allegations are true why the company hasn’t been banned by now? Why haven’t there been any legal steps taken? The truth is because there is no validity to this entire Qnet scam. It is a business model that works only when people work. So does that mean that all the people associated with the company are frauds too? This is the truth that everyone especially the media needs to open its eyes to.

The company has worked very hard to get the global reach that it has acquired.  It has satisfied many customers and distributors all over the world. The group has varied business interests which itself shows its credibility. The Qnet scam is a scam itself!

الخميس، ١٨ تشرين الأول ٢٠١٢

A need to break the bubble of false ideas surrounding multilevel marketing through Questnet Scam

Some people make their own choices whereas some follow the crowd. Multilevel marketing has changed some notions in the financial markets, but there has been an air of vagueness about their style of making money. Some people choose to believe the negative ideas, while some have questioned the foundations on the basis of which such accusations have been levied. A popular misconception about such companies is that the key is to become member of such companies, after that the money will be multiplied and members can reap the benefits. The questionable thought here is that how will the money multiply after becoming members? Companies like Questnet have made an impact but the ambiguity about the work resulted in a controversy called Questnet Scam.

What needs to be questioned about Questnet Scam is what makes it a scam or is there anything in this to be certified as scam. All multilevel marketing companies provide some type of products. Once you are a member, you need to promote and distribute these products to gain a share of commission. Without indulging in these activities, you cannot earn the money that you were assured about. Some effort has to be put in to reap the benefits. Many stories about scams of multilevel marketing companies are floating around the internet. These deal with members not getting their share but a thought has to be given to why they have not received the share. In some cases the company is fraudulent. A careful thought should be given before investing money and resources in a company.

Another aspect about the scams which many people may not be aware about is that these stories are strategies by rival companies to cut down growing competition. Rivals are growing aggressive by the day and these tactics prove this fact. It is always good to read up about such companies but one should not know which story conveys the truth and which one is false. Personal experiences always help. If you get a chance to speak to a few members of such companies, you will get an insider’s perspective. It will clear the air of doubt in an effective way. A misconception that people have expressed strong belief in is the fact that money can be minted in the early stages. This is a complete fallacy. Not every time, success can be tasted. There are times, when money has to be invested to retain the membership and the member may end up purchasing the products that he had to sell. This rigidity is not prevalent in other multilevel marketing companies. Some companies believe in lifelong membership, the members can promote the goods whenever they wish to and earn their share of money. Companies like Questnet follow the principle of lifelong membership and they have successfully shown that claims in ‘Questnet Scam’ are false.  

A hidden advantage of multilevel marketing companies is that they have helped youngsters in becoming independent. The youth have worked in such companies to earn a source of income and by working in these companies; they have realized the ideals of hard work and commitment. 

الأربعاء، ١٧ تشرين الأول ٢٠١٢

QNET Scam- What you need to know

The concept of Marketing has undergone a change and has become more aggressive and prominent. The conventional ideas about marketing have become passé and networking is the new keyword. Coupled with networking, companies use direct selling which accelerates the entire process of getting the limelight on their products. Like any new trend, multilevel marketing had to face the uncertainty and doubts of people about its worthiness. Companies like QNET had to salvage their reputation due to false notions which led to the QNET Scam.

Issues like QNET Scam brought to the fore front, the lack of awareness on people’s part about multilevel marketing. It highlighted the fact that people were unaware about the boons of direct selling. In the initial stages, it was difficult for these companies to find a strong foothold but slowly they did find the acceptance that they wished to attain. It is very important to clear the air about multilevel marketing so that people can use it for their benefits. Multilevel marketing deals with two aspects, direct selling and network marketing. In direct selling, a member of the multilevel marketing company will use a direct approach and sell the product to the consumer without indulging in advertising which saves some money and the company is promoted through word of mouth. 

Considering that the economy is witnessing a low phase at the moment, people become members of such multilevel marketing companies to earn an extra income and not feel an itch in the quality of their living. The best part about such a form of work is that there are no middle men who can grab a share out of anyone’s hard earned money. This form of working also encourages the birth of business men rather than working under a boss and not having the freedom that many people desire. Not all trends enjoy a good time and this is also what happened with the trend of multilevel marketing. QNET Scam began on a small scale but later turned into something big which dampened the progress of the company and made people look at it with suspicion and questions.

People need to understand that companies who are true to their purpose actually show the selling that has taken place. Most of the times this is mistaken to be like the pyramid scheme which survives on the idea of hiring and selling in its actual form, does not really happen. A boon that often goes unnoticed is the boost that multilevel marketing gives to the economy which does need a helping hand in the present time. An interesting fact about multilevel marketing is that such a form of business can be sustained only through team efforts as one person’s success depends on his or her sponsor and so on. It is very important that false claims are not made about any form of business when it is in its flourishing stage. Such claims can cause a great deal of harm to the budding company which can affect the people involved. 

Qnet Scam- An unclear falsification of facts

Marketing strategies have evolved as times have changed. Conventional ones have definitely started fading into oblivion with the unconventional ones coming to the fore like direct selling and networking. Multilevel marketing companies employ these strategies as they are low on the expense factor and much more effective. Representatives or members of the company directly interact with the people and can understand the pulse of their requirements. Companies like Qnet have helped people realize their dreams and are responsible for the increase in the quality of standard of living. Recently reports about a Qnet Scam have been brought to light which has led to many people losing faith in companies that truly believe in their purpose.
The economy has been slacking and when multilevel marketing companies- true to their purpose, are doing something good, brickbats are being pointed at them. The market is all about cut throat competition and rivals are using novel ways like Qnet Scam to pull down these companies such as false negative publicity which has created an obstacle in the progress of these companies. The trend of multilevel marketing companies is fairly new and it is difficult in the beginning to find that acceptance. Negative publicity does not help their case. It just increases the stream of doubts in the common man’s mind and increases his apprehensions.
It is very important to understand the style of work in a multilevel marketing company. This will ensure that one does not fall for negative publicity like these so called scams. Allegations that engulf such companies are related to such companies following the pyramid scheme, high costs in the initial stage etc. Though these companies employ easy methods, it does take a certain period of time for their efforts to bear fruits. Success does not come easy. Members of the company had to indulge in direct selling of the products offered by the company and volume of sales was an important factor in the income that they would generate. This also led to members consolidating their own enterprise and skills. Companies also used the delights of ecommerce to strengthen their presence on the web and create more awareness about their products and the style of work which actually challenges an individual and makes individuals come out of their comfort zone. Surprisingly, reports about Qnet Scam have been baseless as these reports are not supported by meaningful evidence and just beat round the bush.
‘Every coin has two sides’; this is an apt saying for the situation of multilevel marketing companies. Before making any false claims, one needs to understand several aspects of any business, it may happen that the business is in its initial developing stages and such claims can hamper their growth. It is a vicious cycle as this will also affect the economy in some way or the other which will definitely have some repercussions. It would indeed be a good idea to believe in solid proof rather than fall for negative publicity and lose faith in something that is actually trying to help. 

Advantages of multilevel marketing from an economic perspective

I have been browsing the internet over the past few days and have been reading a great deal about multi-level marketing companies. Their journey to the unique position that they have attained, is an interesting read. Marketing in its conventional form has become quite stagnating and monotonous. Companies are looking for new ways to catch the eye of the consumer and present their products. Multi-level marketing is being embraced because of its cost effectiveness and the direct touch that it has with the consumers. I came across an article titled ‘QuestNet Review’ which spoke of companies like QuestNet and their innovative ways of marketing.
QuestNet Review also dealt with the pros and cons of investing in a multi-level marketing company. The reach of multi-level marketing companies is no longer restricted to lifestyle products; they have also entered the insurance sector which is surprising to an extent. It is an interesting combination. Different types of sectors and industries have recognized the potential of multi-level marketing and are opting to tap its promising abilities and capitalize on it. A very prominent advantage of a multi-level marketing company is that results get accelerated and targets can be attained in a short period of time. Therefore, this is also one of the reasons for so many companies opting for multi-level marketing, which surely seems to be the new fad.
Every aspect of our lifestyle contributes to the well-being of the society in a way and this includes business. Business is an umbrella term for many ventures and these accelerate the progress of the society in different ways. I feel that multi-level marketing is a tricky business with the risk factor that is involved. But if done right, it can work wonders for a country like India. In our country, word of mouth works very well, we take a lot of references before taking a decision. Translate that into business techniques and that becomes network marketing. If the heart of the company is in the right place, miracles can happen. While reading QuestNet Review, I also realized how the old world idea of marketing has changed and been adapted to suit the conveniences of generation next.
Multi-level marketing has become so popular that people are opting for it as a full time career but not everyone can have a successful career in a field like this. Certain skills are required and one of these is the ability to interact with people. It is significant to understand the requirement of people at a grass root level. Convincing powers are a must. In a tough economy, it is your skill that will convince people to invest their money in a certain product or a company.
Times have indeed evolved and it’s better to sail with the tide rather than sail against it. Companies who frowned at the name of multi-level marketing in the past few years have welcomed the change and are using it to their advantage. The results are there for everyone to see. 

الثلاثاء، ٩ تشرين الأول ٢٠١٢

?Qnet Complaints: A total Sham

There was a time when the basic requirement of any person were food, clothes and shelter but now the times have changed and requirements are not basic in nature. They have increased and are not simple in nature. This is the era of technology and every one fancies a technical gadget, this is the era of glamour so everybody fancies designer labels and finally as modernisation has crept in, everyone fancies a lovely palatial house. It is here that multilevel marketing companies enter the scene and accelerate the speed of the fulfilment of these dreams. Multilevel marketing companies like Qnet have successfully established their presence but recently many Qnet complaints have surfaced which are shocking as the companies like these are doing a great job in bringing people a step closer to their dream.

The sudden emergence of Qnet complaints can be attributed to either members who could not reap their benefits or rival companies that have come down to such means to spoil the name of a company that has stuck to its ethics and has executed its promises. Multilevel marketing brought with itself reduced cost of advertising and a form of promotion which was more effective than the conventional idea of promotion. Such a way of earning did appeal to some people because it did not involve any complicated technical details but just required promotion. Many people became a part of this profession either on a full time or part time basis.

Rival companies have employed various means to dampen the spirit of these companies and one of these is promoting wrong ideas and notions about the working of a multilevel marketing company. Many people confused this form of marketing to a pyramid scheme whose survival was based on recruitment rather than solid work. It is very important to understand the working of a multilevel marketing company before any fabricated accusations are levied on it. A multilevel marketing company has come in the spotlight because business can be established at a regular pace and capital investment is low in comparison to the conventional forms of business. It took time for such companies to earn the trust of people but when Qnet complaints came to the fore, the trust of people did quiver but honest multilevel marketing companies did bounce back and regained the faith of people.

Ina time when the economy has dipped to dangerous levels, these multilevel marketing companies have saved the day with their simple yet effective form of business that has helped many people realise and fulfil their dreams. These companies have truly given shelter to the aspirations of common man and have provided them food for thought to grow and achieve their goals. The survival of these companies in a market which believes in cut throat competition is spectacular and remarkable. A fair chance should be given to these companies to prove their worth and to show their advantages to the common man. These companies have indeed been a lifesaver for many people and they yet continue to inspire. 

الاثنين، ٨ تشرين الأول ٢٠١٢

Qnet Fraud- Dust in the eye of people

The thought to earn extra money in such a poor economy is not bad. One of the ways to earn this money is to join a multilevel marketing company. Multilevel marketing companies have recently come into the limelight due to the criticisms that have been levied at them. They ensure that through the efforts, common man can earn his share of money. It is just recently that multilevel marketing companies have surfaced after a period of toil to get the recognition that they have strived for. Conventions in marketing have undergone a drastic change, Multilevel marketing companies opt for techniques like direct selling and network marketing to cut down some cost in such an economy. Companies like Qnet have not had an easy run and this is vouched by the number of false scams and notions that have been spread to create an obstacle in its dream run, one such attempt being the Qnet Fraud.

Qnet Fraud dealt with allegations like price fixing of products, a high cost in the starting period etc…this fraud brought to fore, the lack of awareness about multilevel marketing companies and how rivals took advantage of this ignorance and used it for their benefits. The trends of direct selling and network marketing are in its nascent stages and need some time to establish a steady and unshakeable presence. Due to the doubts that are galore in the minds of people, it was very easy for the rival companies to create an air of doubt about multilevel marketing companies that are developing.

Some important aspects about direct selling and network marketing need to be understood. Such companies’ give the freedom of working either full time o part time, there are no deadlines to meet, nobody has to sit in an office from 9 to 5 and restrict themselves. These companies seem to promote the idea of working from home, which does play a role in getting the stress levels down. The work done in such companies also ensures the development of entrepreneurship skills within any individual which are a must just not for starting any business but for personal growth as well. An issue like Qnet fraud showed that somewhere the company must have succeeded in its efforts to execute its promises, that is why the desperation on the part of the rival companies to cut it down.

Amidst reports of scams and frauds, what has been ignored is the good that these multilevel marketing companies have done for the common man and for the economy, which is on an all-time low. Multilevel marketing companies like these have accelerated the speed of the fulfilment of the common man’s dreams. It is not easy to earn a living in such times but these companies have made life a little easier for the common man who struggles to make basic ends meet. People should understand the difference between the truth and false accusations rather than shutting their doors to something that will help them in the long run.